Summer in our house has officially begun, and
we're pretty excited!
(Times are few and far between that Addie isn't dressed up in something!)
We met some friends at Yumilicious today for yogurt, and well, it's.....yumilicious!
Carlie kicked off our Perkins' summer with a walk across the den! GO CARLIE!
This is exactly how Addie spent her morning ~ dressed to the nines! She wore this to the vet's office today, to pick up Millie. Dr. Griffin was most impressed!
Ahhhhh, Memorial Day ~ spent outside with sprinklers, the water table, and the grill!
And finally, Miss Addie's swim lessons have been a HUGE success already! Day #2 of six lessons total, she has managed to learn to kick, blow bubbles, and.....(drum roll)........GO UNDER WATER!! She was so courageous today in the pool.
I was one proud mommy!
So much fun! :)