Friday, May 6, 2011

Date Night!

This is such a small and simple post with no pictures and no big write-up. It's just a way for me to remember a very special date night with my hubby tonight. We have just joined a Sunday School class at our church. Literally, our first class was last Sunday, knowing only one other couple that attends. When the class ended, we were invited to their "party on Friday night" at someone's house. Date nights for us are rare, but tonight was different ~ we called a sitter and decided to go. We had a ball!! This group could NOT have been any more welcoming or friendly if they had tried! We are excited to get to know other young families in the church who love the Lord and strive to be wonderful, Christian parents.

"Where two or three come together in My name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:20)

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