Wednesday, May 18, 2011


It's been such a rich morning in our home today. "Rich" is the best way to describe it...full of creative little minds and happy hearts. Addie went to the doctor yesterday for a sinus infection and a "bronchitis-like" respitory infection, so it was another day at home for us. Carlie took her morning nap and all of the sudden, Addie is out of my sight, playing in her room.

"What are you doing Ad's?"

 "Bunny is having a birthday party at My Gym mommy".

 "Cool! How old is bunny today?"

"Bunny is 2 1/2 today."

 Shortly after the birthday party, this little muffin
woke up from nap.

During my quiet time today, (yes, there is time to be "quiet" with a 1 year old and 2 1/2 year old ~ during naptime! I purpose to keep our home quiet during that time- no TV,very few phone calls, just quiet) I began thinking about their pure, innocent hearts. I thought about how cruel and dangerous this world can be, mentally and spiritually. I thought about ways I could protect them from the world and how I long to prevent their innocent eyes from seeing anything ugly. I don't want them to value what the world values and love who the world tells them to love. I thought about how fleeting this time of imaginative play and innocence really is, in the big picture of life. Their lives are front of them ready to be shaped~ what a HUGE responsibility! Then, I thought about what God says about this concern: "In this world you will have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Thank you Lord for this reassurance!

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