This man, is my best friend. He's laughing at the fact that I'm taking his picture right now, but that's ok. I need to tell you about this man and for you to see him in action this weekend:
I must begin this post by saying: I am NOT complaining. Rather, I'm just setting the stage. For those of you who have difficult pregnancies, I know you totally "get it". We've talked and processed, and I'm so thankful for these friends (and my mom) who can empathize with all day sickness. For those who breeze through, you are lucky and the rest of us are jealous. Regardless of the "type" of pregnancies you have, the bottom line is, that all babies are blessings. Miracles. Gifts. Children are "rewards" from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). So again, not complaining....just explaining! I'm sick. The honeymoon period of early pregnancy has passed and I'm off and running with all day nausea. It's like I'm stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean in a storm, and I can't get off. It begins in the morning and ends when I go to sleep at night. The best time of my day is when I'm sleeping. To add to it, I was at the doctor yesterday (not a fun way to spend a Saturday), for another sinus infection. So....let's summarize. Add a sinus infection to sickness all day and you have one wiped out little mama. What about "this man"? Well, this man is busy making my second grilled cheese for lunch- the only thing I can eat today. He brings me toast in bed, with my Zofran, and a gatorade, so before my feet hit the floor, my tummy is full. This man has entertained the children ALL weekend. This man has been to the grocery store two times and has offered to pick up food from anywhere that sounds good to me. This man has done diaper changes, potty runs, changed sheets, vacummed, taken Carlie to church.....he's run our household beautifully this weekend. This man's heart is huge, and he is the love of my life.
We are a team. This man is the heartbeat of our family.
This man, gave me this little girl over 2 1/2 years ago.
This man gave me this little muffin over 1 year ago. And now another blessing on the way? I have no words.
"And now these three remain: hope, faith, and love. But the greatest of these is love."
(1 Corinthians 13:13)
Brad, I love you dearly. You are an amazing man and a godly parent to our children. Thank you for being you and loving me!
So precious!! Praying for you, sweet friend. You know I 'get it!' ;) xxoo