Happy Father's Day to Daddy! Nothing like a little wake up snuggle, first thing in the morning! Daddy, we all
love you so much!
We made Daddy a very special breakfast this morning, before church: cheese grits, scrambled eggs, cheese toast, and coffee!
Speaking of cooking, we have been cookin' it up around here this weekend. Last night, we had apricot chicken, homemade mashed potatoes, and an organic salad. YUM! Let me know if you'd like the chicken recipe. It's an easy recipe, that our girls even ate! Although, for Addie (our very picky eater), it took a long time and a little bribe, for her to join the clean plate club.
She was not going to miss out on choosing some treats from the dessert plate~ did you know I am completely cool with bribes? In fact, we bribe her every night at mealtime and amazingly enough, once she eats her dinner she is SO proud of herself! She actually realizes that food is not as terrible as she thought! I have found that when Addie eats well, she sleeps better, behaves better, and simply feels better. Yes, I love a good "treat bribe" and so does she!
It took a little while to get there.....Addie sitting at the table after we had all finished, cleaned the dishes, and Carlie had just finished her bath. I kept asking her if she was finished (she doesn't have to eat, but if she wants dessert, she does), and she kept saying, "No mommy, I'm going to eat". She did it!
Then the fun began!
(No, she did not eat all of this candy! HA!)
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