This was our house today at 5:00pm. We had tacos tonight for supper and as I prepared our meal, my girls were apparantly digging around the house for dress up clothes! Addie quickly put on her Sleeping Beauty dress, asked me to tie her scarf and rushed to her closet to grab her favorite boots. All of the sudden, she runs into the kitchen and exclaims: "Mommy, all I need now is my snow hat and gloves!!" Where does she come up with this idea?? Once I found her much needed hat and gloves, she told me that Carlie needed her hat too. I've posted before (remember her picture on the couch?) about Addie's LOVE of dressing up. She dresses up daily. my dear readers with young girls, PLEASE don't ever throw away your dress up clothes or costumes. We love donations and are happy to take them off of your hands!
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