Saturday, June 4, 2011

Welcome Summer!

This past week, we pretty much lived in the water and had great friends to keep us company!!
Thank you Cortney for a wonderful morning! We loved
 Noah's Ark!

On Friday afternoon, we went to sweet Caleb's birthday party. I WISH I had taken my camera to party, but I forgot it. So, here's a pic of the birthday boy below from a playdate this week. In a nut shell, it was a wonderful evening outside, complete with a slip 'n slide, swing set, baby pool,
cookout, and snow cones!

An evening swim with friends ~ this was the night that Addie began swimming by herself!
Carlie had a ball too!

I'm sure this is first of many rides home, in
swim diapers only, this summer.....

.....and eating on the go!

Swimming in Mimi and Grandad's pool today!

Carlie was all smiles today. She is really starting to come around, in regards to the pool.

We will keep trying, for sure!

The end of a VERY fun and busy week!

"These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full."
(John 15:11)

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