Sunday, August 21, 2011


I DID IT! I finally signed up as a Thirty-One consultant, after many conversations and much prayer. Ultimately, I would love to combine my Usborne Children's Books business with my Thirty-One sales, as potential gift ideas. Why not pair an adorable book bag or lunch tote, with a "Back to School Sticker Book"? But, for right now, I am going to concentrate on Thirty-One: learn the ropes, host some parties, share with friends. This company "had me at hello" last year when I attended my first party, but the timing wasn't right. Well, the timing is great now and I'm ready to jump in! Check out my website ( and consider hosting a party for some FREEBIES! This Christian-based company (based on the 31st Proverb, regarding a virtuous woman) is quite generous and I think you'll like what you see! Oh, see all of those goodies below? I have them ALL in the new Fall/Winter fabrics....drop in and see them sometime!

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