Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Look Who Turned 3!!!!


Addie had a wonderful Winnie the Pooh party at the park, for her third birthday! Ever since she saw the movie at the theater (her first movie!), she has asked about having this party! We had a wonderful morning with friends and family. Lots of swinging, sliding, cupcake eating, and gift opening. Addie, you are a joy. A light to so many people and we loved every second of your sweet party! We all love you so much!!


  1. She is so cute...I really hope that in the near future we will get together and have a mini reunion! Love you!

  2. Oops...hey girl...the last post was me (Mary O)...I was logged into a friends blog who I am helping to set one it came across as Sue H. Anyhoo...another chance to say hello...and love praying for you and that baby!!! :)
