I knew that a playroom needed to be created, I just didn't know where, when, or how! Our house is small and our space is limited, but we realized that she has been confined to a pretty small play area for a while and a change had to take place- especially now that she is mobile! So....during her 1 hour (I repeat...ONE hour) afternoon nap today, Brad and I disassembled the guest bed, hauled the mattress and boxsprings upstairs, took the headboard to the garage, stored picture frames and decorations, vacummed the floor and brought in the toys! One hour later, when sweetness arised, she had this room all to herself! Here are some pictures of Addie's first visit into her very new, and not completed playroom! Fun, fun!
I can tell she is thrilled with her new space. The pics are adorable! Can't wait to come play!
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