This has been one heck of a week for Mimi and Granddad... First, before we go on- One day, Addie is going to be confused by all of the "Mimi's" in our lives, so I'm going to clarify. Mimi Davis was what we called Dad's mom, Mimi Brown is mom's mom (who Addie is named after), and Mimi (simply, Mimi) is mom, Addie's grandmother. Ok, back to the difficult week they have experienced: First, I'm just going to say the words, my mom has breast cancer. Not easy to say, but it's the truth, and we are coping with this unwanted intruder the best we can. Mom is doing well after having surgery this past week. She will return to Duke on Monday to review the pathology report and go from there to create a treatment plan. It is likely that she will have another surgery, but only time will tell. As if that wasn't enough, they returned to Laurens the day after a tornado blazed through their neighborhood. Hard to believe? Here are the pictures to prove it! Brad, dad, and Steven have spent some hours sweeping, blowing, cleaning, and moving debris and trees, only to have another storm hit tonight. Their power is out again, but we must remind ourselves that they are SAFE and no one in our family was hurt, nor was there any major damage to the house (unlike our neighbors). We know that the Lord protected them, He knew mom had enough on her plate this week. Sometimes, I try to look at the world through the eyes of our sweet Addie- not a care in the world, so innocent, pure of heart....this week, I wish I could see the world in that way, but reality can sometimes be harsh and we must turn to our faith and remind ourselves of our many blessings. Speaking of blessings, enjoy the pics of our sweet girl with daddy, Mimi Brown, and Mimi- I couldn't just post the tornado pics, you'd be bored! Enjoy!
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