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We saw Baby Perkins again today, with a strong little heartbeat of 125 bpm! I measured almost 7 weeks and am feeling every bit of that first trimester! We are so blessed to have this new baby growing inside of me and we continue our prayers for a happy and healthy baby!
We saw our little peanut's heartbeat today! What a miracle! You just can't see that sweet little heart enough, we were thrilled! We go back in a week to hopefully hear it...God is so good! Our due date is March 13, 2010. Who knew we'd be planning anything for our 2010 calendar this summer!

Ok, so I owe you a few posts, huh? Baby Perkins #2 has been takin' it out of me this week, so I haven't been as diligent with my blog! Sorry! The park pictures are from last weekend...when I look at them, I can't get over how long those little legs are of hers. The long legs and the "Freddy Davis eyes" are the ONLY two "Davis" qualities this little girl possesses. There is no doubt she belongs to Bradley Lewis Perkins! The other pictures are from sweet Lily's 1st birthday party today- she was the perfect princess all day, adorable, Addie standing up in her monkey pj's, and a pic of those teeth! She has 4 on the bottom, and 2 on top- the 2nd one on top has just pushed through. Oh...the shoes? I just can't get over how cute I think "Jellies" are on babies, so I had to post them! I love that she is wearing, what I wore when I was little!
Poor Addie has been sick all day with 103 fever, but our sweet girl doesn't let it get her down. She has still been pretty happy today, considering she's feeling so puny. Anway, when we took her to the doctor today, they weighed her, and she weighs
20 lb's, 12 oz's (10 months old)! Since this blog serves as her "baby book", I had to make sure to include her new weight! New pictures coming this week.....
Addie enjoyed lunch out with her pals yesterday. They are so funny together....if we only knew what they were saying to each other!