Thursday, December 30, 2010


Thanks to a very close friend (MB, you're the best!), we finally have our book for our family devotions. Let me back up......For a while, Brad and I have been talking about starting a devotion time with our girls. A time to sing "Jesus Loves Me", "God is Good", "Twinkle Twinkle".....etc. It's a time to sit down as a family and continue talking about Jesus. Brad and I have changed since having children, in so many ways. We are experiencing awesome changes that the Lord has clearly laid on our hearts. Our desire to know Him, to really "know" Him, is stronger than ever. We want a true relationship with our Father, as a couple and as parents. We are making the choice to jump in feet first, into our church and omit the idea that worship can only occur on Sunday mornings. We listen to WMHK with our girls, pray before meals even if everyone is crying and struggling to sit still, and we now set aside time for our devotion. What does it look like with a 2 year old and an almost 10 month old? We start by praising Addie and Carlie on what they did RIGHT that day. Michelle Duggar (I love the all know this!) says to praise your children 10 more times than you correct them! So, we praise them, then we sing two songs, read some pages from this wonderful book, and end in a short prayer. It's precious time, to say the least. Yes, we've changed. If you knew me in college, you may be wondering what in the world happened!? If you knew me after we had our first child, you are probably not surprised. If you knew me between these two times, well....not sure what you think! Some people dislike change and some embrace it- Brad and I are embracing it. I know that we can't please everyone, but there is One who we should always strive to please, and I think He smiles everytime our two year old says His precious name, Jesus. Welcome 2011! I am thrilled to see how the Lord will continue to change and challenge us as a family.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


... is so sweet when she's your little angel!

Monday, December 27, 2010

I Could....

EAT HER, she's so stinkin' cute!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Let It Snow!

We spent Christmas day in Laurens and went to bed with it SNOWING!! This morning, Addie went to play in the winter wonderland, while Carlie stayed inside with her new toys! We loved seeing the snow, and we're sad to see it melt away. Hopefully, more snow will revisit us again soon!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


If you've been wondering "how" the big girl bed is ya go! I can't get her OUT OF HER ROOM! It is by far, her favorite room of the house. Naps have been better, quiet time has been better, entertaining herself has been better. She just loves it and that's all I can say. These are not posed pictures. They were taken this morning, while Carlie was napping and I folded laundry. She stayed in there reading books for 45 minutes! WONDERFUL!

Monday, December 20, 2010

HIS Birthday!

Mrs. Cortney invited Addie and Carlie to a birthday party for Jesus! The party was WONDERFUL- full of goodies, playtime and a craft for everyone! It was a special way to honor our Lord, with our children. Thanks Mrs. Cortney for an amazing day!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sittin' Shotgun!

We LOVE the Christmas lights at Saluda Shoals Park! In fact, we went again tonight for the second time this Christmas season! Addie calls them the "soldier lights" :)) She rode in the front, on mommy's lap and we had a ball!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Early Santa!

Santa visited Addie a little early this year! She has been wanting a "big girl bed" so badly and has told most of her friends that this is what she wants from Santa this year. Well, the bed was delivered a little earlier than expected and somehow, someway, we were able to give Addie the biggest surprise of her life.....and I DO mean, of her LIFE! I don't think I've ever seen her so excited, so surprised!! She ran to it, jumped in it and yelled "I got my big girl bed....I got my big girl bed!!!" She must have told Chris (her elf), ten times! It was delivered today during nap- she napped in Carlie's crib today (Carlie napped in the pack n' play in our room). Then during dinner, the magic happened! Once it was all said and done, she recieved a surprise phone call from Mimi saying Santa had visited early, leaving Addie a gift in her room. She ran to her room and the rest is history! I must also say, that she went to the potty today before her bath- it was the first time! I know that I write, "it was a wonderful day" , often on my blog, but today was TRULY a wonderful day! The magic of Christmas is priceless!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

BIG Day!

We had a wonderful day today! Carlie had her 9 month well check this morning and everything was great, except one little detail......we found out she has the beginning of an ear infection~ we were shocked! I'm so glad we caught it early and can start meds, to ensure she'll be all better before Christmas. She weighs 17 lbs, 2 oz's and is 28 1/4 inches long! She and daddy met me and Addie for Addie's school party today. We had SUCH a great time! She came home with a baby Jesus, wrapped in a blanket, lying in a manger. It comes to no surprise to those of you who 'really' know Addie, that baby Jesus went into Target with us tonight and is sleeping in her room right now! It really was a great day for our family!

Monday, December 13, 2010


They are FINALLY playing together! Little by little, Carlie has become more interesting to Addie and now they are really playing together! In fact, Addie came to me this morning and said, "I want to play with Carlie." Music to my ears!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Party!

We had Brad's BC/BS Christmas party last night and had so much fun! I was pregnant at the last TWO Blue Cross Christmas parties, so this one was a little more enjoyable for me! Our sweet sitter "Mrs. Caroline" came to play with Addie (Carlie was sound asleep!) while we enjoyed a night out!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

We've Been Working on Something....

....and neither one of us knows what we're doing but we're trying! :))

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

9 Months Already??

Ummmm, excuse me.....where did the time go???? I can't believe this little cutie is already 9 months old!!! I talked to our pediatrician's office today and she has the "green light" to eat WHATEVER she wants, minus egg, citrus, nuts, and hot dogs! I'm shocked! This little girl is having mac and cheese and green beans for dinner tonight!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Fun!


This year, I made ornaments for our neighbors and friends! Several of my friends have made these ornaments this year -they are so fun to make! I'm adding some homemade goodies (like the Rocky Road Squares, in the picture) and will tie our family card on top to complete the gifts. Tis' the season!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bah Humbug!

Time outs are no fun for mommy and no fun for Addie, but necessary at times. I keep reminding myself that the fruit in the end is going to be well worth the heartache I feel when I punish her. I love what the bible says about discipline. It clearly states that it is our responsibility. In fact, it's our duty, but it sure isnt' easy! In my opinion, Proverbs 22:6 says it best: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Typically, you don't see pouty faces on my blog, but let's be real....everyday isn't all sugar cookies and wagon rides :))

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Look who learned how to clap!! Carlie entertained us at dinner last night with LOTS of clapping! Oh, and what is Miss Addie doing? She's "organizing" of course! Addie was found stacking my spices when I came into the kitchen yesterday. She said she was "organizing"- ha!