Santa visited Addie a little early this year! She has been wanting a "big girl bed" so badly and has told most of her friends that this is what she wants from Santa this year. Well, the bed was delivered a little earlier than expected and somehow, someway, we were able to give Addie the biggest surprise of her life.....and I DO mean, of her LIFE! I don't think I've ever seen her so excited, so surprised!! She ran to it, jumped in it and yelled "I got my big girl bed....I got my big girl bed!!!" She must have told Chris (her elf), ten times! It was delivered today during nap- she napped in Carlie's crib today (Carlie napped in the pack n' play in our room). Then during dinner, the magic happened! Once it was all said and done, she recieved a surprise phone call from Mimi saying Santa had visited early, leaving Addie a gift in her room. She ran to her room and the rest is history! I must also say, that she went to the potty today before her bath- it was the first time! I know that I write, "it was a wonderful day" , often on my blog, but today was TRULY a wonderful day! The magic of Christmas is priceless!
11 Months!
3 years ago
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