Putting together our new double jogger!
Watering the flowers and enjoying time outside!
Loving on our "Carlie Girl" (as Addie calls her!)
Enjoying a visit from Aunt Stef!
Truly, we are just enjoying being a family of four right now! We have kept Carlie within the walls of our house, minus a few "rides" in the car, just to get out. We are being very careful with our new little one, until she gets her shots. Addie is adjusting, and we are enjoying watching both girls grow together. Carlie will be 6 weeks old on Monday- VERY hard to believe. Whew, those first few weeks are hard! Now that she is reaching the 6 week mark, life is starting to flow a little easier. Carlie is beginning to smile back and sleeping longer at night. She weighed 10 lb's, 2 oz's today at the doctor, so she is growing at a rapid speed! Life is good!
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