Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Look who learned how to clap!! Carlie entertained us at dinner last night with LOTS of clapping! Oh, and what is Miss Addie doing? She's "organizing" of course! Addie was found stacking my spices when I came into the kitchen yesterday. She said she was "organizing"- ha!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fa La La La Laaaa!

Wow, we jumped feet first into Christmas this weekend! I know that I still need to blog Thanksgiving, but Christmas is on my mind today, so I've got to post these pictures! We visited Santa today and did NOT expect to do a "family shot", but Addie was scared and wanted to hold mommy's hand, so there ya go! That's a picture of the picture we bought from the mall. We had the best time at the mall today visiting Santa- I was proud of my girls for warming up to Santa just a little for a picture! The other pictures include Addie and I at the Nutcracker with some of her sweet friends, the petting zoo and lunch at Harmon's Tree Farm, and our decorations as Christmas officially begins at the Perkins' home! We ended the evening with a ride in our pajama's, to look at Christmas fun!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Her First

Thursday, will be Carlie's first Thanksgiving. Brad and I were talking last night, about how we can't even remember life before her. It's so strange....I remember saying that about Addie. We said so many times that we couldn't remember life before her and now we can't remember life before both of them together. They are amazing blessings in our family~ I am so thankful this year for both of our girls!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Circle Time

Addie and Carlie looked at books together, for such a long time before nap today. Everyday before nap, Addie has some quiet playtime in the den while I clean up from lunch. She calls this "circle time"-she picked that up from preschool. I was so proud of her today~Addie was sharing like a big girl and Carlie was eating it up!

Friday, November 19, 2010

She's Ready!

Thanksgiving is SO close!! We can't wait!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lovin' the Leaves

This weather is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

He knows....

....if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!!!! Ahhh, the excitement of Christmas has officially begun!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

"Night Night" Books

Nothing like a little singin' and rhymin' with Daddy before bed!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


... good and perfect gift is from above." -James 1:17

Monday, November 8, 2010

8 Months and Daddy!

We had a very special day today! I took the girls to visit daddy at work this morning...they are SO wonderful there and love to see Ad's and Carlie! Carlie is 8 months old today- she's scooting all over the floor, trying to copy sounds that we make, saying "mama", and smiles all the time. She's a joy!