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Thursday, will be Carlie's first Thanksgiving. Brad and I were talking last night, about how we can't even remember life before her. It's so strange....I remember saying that about Addie. We said so many times that we couldn't remember life before her and now we can't remember life before both of them together. They are amazing blessings in our family~ I am so thankful this year for both of our girls!

Addie and Carlie looked at books together, for such a long time before nap today. Everyday before nap, Addie has some quiet playtime in the den while I clean up from lunch. She calls this "circle time"-she picked that up from preschool. I was so proud of her today~Addie was sharing like a big girl and Carlie was eating it up!
Thanksgiving is SO close!! We can't wait!

Nothing like a little singin' and rhymin' with Daddy before bed!
... good and perfect gift is from above." -James 1:17