Monday, May 2, 2011


Today was a wonderful day on so many levels. I hope my blog doesn't ever come across as a "we have a perfect life" kind of blog. I read a LOT of mommy blogs and it doesn't take much to obtain a complex that other people's children never misbehave and that their lives are butterflies and rainbows all the time. Brad reminds me constantly, "Babe, not many people want to blog about their screaming children!" Ha! Why am I saying all of this? Because my last post was about our wonderful day and now, here we go again! But in all honesty, there has been an overwhelming sense of peace about "where" we are in life lately. Brad and I were talking a little about this the other night- how fleeting this time with young children really becomes, in the big picture of life. Waking up to a baby smiling at you and a toddler jumping in your bed is precious, precious, precious. It can seem so busy, so hectic, and so routine at times. As a parent, we can get lost in all of it. Lately, I have really been able to be present with my children, soaking in each moment with them. There's a sense of peace. There is a joy in extending grace to them and a patience that comes from down deep. 

Today, we went to Laurens to celebrate Mimi's 97th birthday ~ unreal. She is an amazing lady. I will sing her praises until my last breath. I love her dearly, and she feels the same about me. We are tight and always have been. There are many, many years between us yet we we get each other. She was talking to Addie today and winked at me, as she said something to her. She's a hoot! She's sweet and spicey all mixed together! She caught Addie before she tripped over Mimi's shoe- 97 years old, catching a toddler? Wow. I watch Mimi and think about how beautiful it is when she moves slowly, and how she sits quietly, taking it all in. I think about how strong her relationship is with our Lord and about the "place" He has prepared for her: "In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am, you may be also" (John 14:2-3). Her faith is so strong...a wonderful example to me.

What's the point of all of this? I'm different as a mommy. If you had asked me back in college, what my life would look like at 34 years old, I would have told you a different story. I'm different. I like hearing stories of how it was when Mimi was growing up, and wishing bits and pieces of that life were like that now. I like the conservative Christianity she displays. I find joy that her morals and values are not based on worldly ideas, but based on biblical text. I like to be home, like she was at home. Now, she worked from her home (she ran a beauty parlor in her basement), but I work from mine too. Staying at home can easily be like running a business. I like to cook and bake; she was a master baker. I've thought about homeschool (gasp!). I think she would have considered it if she were a mommy of little ones in 2011. I love children and thrive on the craziness and chaos of having little ones. Mimi and I were talking about my life as a mom, not too long ago and she said, "You wouldn't have it any other way!" Nope, I wouldn't. I don't miss going out, and I like my life. I really like my life. I'm in my element and have an overwhelming peace about God leading me through this precious time. Indeed, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" (Colossians 3:23) Mimi worked so hard all of her life and I feel sure the Lord has been pleased with her work for Him. Happy Birthday Mimi! You are a testiment to the kind of mother, wife, and person I strive to become! Oh, where are the pictures from her party today? I left my camera battery on the charger at home. I need to be in time-out.