We are working to "un-swaddle" Mr. Gabe this week, as he is sleeping through the night and almost ready to go upstairs to his own room! I don't like to send our babies to their own rooms in swaddles, for fear of them rolling over and getting "stuck" face down. So, we have learned to take one arm out at a time, to get used to the feeling of freedom! Honestly, his arm being out hasn't effected him at all! Tonight, we'll take both arms out and hope for another good night! He is 8 weeks old now ~ I just can't believe it.
On another note, I braved Wal-Mart with all three and as you can see, Carlie was excited. She was pretty fancy for our morning out! Addie is now my "walker" in stores and stays close to mommy when shopping. Carlie sits in the front of the cart and Gabe hangs in the back, in his carrier. Where to put groceries and products? Good question, but at least we're out!
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