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I want to bottle this little girl up right now and just stay in this very moment. Addie had one awesome week! She feels good, she's eating well, she's happy, she's helping....the list goes on and on. Is this little 2 1/2 year old perfect? Of course not! Privledges have been taken and time outs administered. I've lost my cool and she's lost hers. God didn't create us to be perfect, but she's had a pretty awesome week. After that loooooong fever virus thingie (a.k.a.: the Crud) plus a week to recoup, she's back on track! She even ate cheese sticks and yogurt this week! Ok, this accomplishment may not sound exciting to you, but for those of you who know her well, this is a small miracle! Addie has loved helping mommy this week- recycle, do laundry, and clean up toys. She's left time-outs this week with a good attitude and lots of "I'm sorry's"- of course, the "I'm sorry's" are a requirement to be removed from time-out, but it's her heart I'm referring to. Tonight, when Brad asked her what she wanted to "think about" before bed (we always leave her room at night with something to think about), she looked at Brad and said, "God". Indeed, she has a 2 1/2 year old understanding of the Lord and our bible studies, but her spirit is just amazing to us! Who knows what a 2 1/2 year old understanding of the Lord even is? We can't even begin to guess how God enters the hearts and minds of children. They can be so wise at times and teach us so much. I just want to bottle her up right now and savor each moment!
Great post. You are a wise, sweet Mama. xoxo
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