Happy Memorial Day (week now, I guess!). We had a great day~our family went to the Riverwalk Park, near the Gervais Street Bridge. We took a good walk and then stopped for snacks. Addie ate small pieces of avocado! We have determined that Addie, a.k.a. "Mikey" (from the Life cereal commercial - 'give it to Mikey...he'll eat anything') really will, eat anything! I hope she keeps this up! Later, we went to a cookout with some friends who live in our neighborhood. Their son Caleb, is Addie's boyfriend, or at least we like to think maybe he will be, one day! As for the crawling- the child is MOVIN'! She's been scooting around here and there for a while, but it wasn't until today that she kicked it up a notch! All this being said, she still isn't getting that tummy up! I have a sneaky suspicion that once she figures out that last detail, my life will never be the same!! Addie's legs have been moving since very early on- Mimi always comments on those legs going and going. These pictures were taken tonight before bed, as she cleared the floor in her nursery, going back and forth!
Love the pics of Addie doing her thing! The picture in the basket is precious! She has such an amazing smile!
Uh-oh...Roy's legs never stopped moving at that age, and now...WATCH OUT!! Addie's going to be a busy one! : )
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