This week has flown, but I think it's because it's been NON-STOP! After our trip to Laurens, we spent the rest of the week at the Little Gym, the Farmer's Market, and heading to the park today! Addie graduated from her "Bugs" Little Gym class, and will move to "Birds" this Summer! This year is flying by- she'll be 9 months old soon, and I really don't know where the time has gone. Brad and I watched as our baby recieved her 'gold' medal from the LG, and remembered her first class where we handled her like a fragile egg. Now, she's doing the army crawl, eating small pieces of food, rolling over, standing up with help, and clapping her hands! It really is amazing to watch a baby grow! Speaking of growing, we took a trip to the Farmer's Market yesterday and got lots of fresh, local produce. We'll just say, Addie is eatin' good in the neighborhood these day!! Oh, and thank you for the dress Aunt Stef, we think she looks pretty cute!
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