Can you tell we're in deep thought over here?
Thinking about the fact that some mornings I wake up feeling like Superwoman and other mornings feeling like I can't even tie my shoes! This morning was a "Superwoman" kind of morning. I took both girls by myself to the zoo and had a picnic lunch right beside the monkeys. No friends, no husband, two hours, just me and the girls. Believe it or not, it was one of the most peaceful, enjoyable, and precious times the three of us have had together. It was almost relaxing, to some degree. Addie was our "line leader" and took that role to heart. Then after nap, we met friends at the park. These days, the park tends to make me a little nervous. Carlie is definately over the "I just want to sit and watch" phase. Oh no...she wants to be in the action, as she should! Sometimes it's hard to monitor Addie climbing, running, etc, and entertain Carlie. Today, we did it.....and it was good!

Thinking about how much this sweetpea has changed over the last few weeks. She is so stinkin' sweet I can't even find the words sometimes. She's also VERY busy, very interested, and very smart. She surprises us every day with something new she has picked up from watching that big sis of hers. Today, I looked over at her and she had pulled the chair out from the activity table and was SITTING in it with one foot touching the floor. I had no idea she even knew how to do that! She is also becoming very verbal and somewhat strong-willed. She wants her toys, she wants to play, and she does NOT want you to stop her. Ahhh, the first signs of independence. Honestly, I can't even remember life without her.
Thinking about how important true friends are in this world, even at a young age. They are your support systems, your listening ears, and your encouragement. They can be your biggest fans, great role models, and teachers.
"A friend loves at all times" -Proverbs 17:17
"As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend."
-Proverbs 27:17Thinking about how this season hasn't slipped by without a few rough patches of jealousy. In fact, I have recently talked with friends about this "phase", as we are really working hard on our "gentle hands and voices". However, today at the park, I looked over to find Addie feeding Carlie her sippy cup as gently as she possibly could. I'm pretty sure she offered Carlie her cup before she drank her own. As I snapped that picture, my camera battery died, so I'll post this one. Look at Carlie's eyebrows....she WANTS that cup back!
"Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other." -Romans 12:10Thinking about these mommy's and how thankful