Yesterday morning started pretty early for all of us. Carlie had her 1 year well-check at 8:30am (they want you there 15 mins early) and Addie needed to be at preschool at 9am, so it was a rush out the door with mommy and daddy dividing up the babies....ahem....I mean, the baby and the "big girl".
Weight: 19lb's, 4 oz's (38%)
Height: 30 inches (72%)
Head: 46.5 cm (86%)
The wonderful Dr. Bruce!
Brad and I have talked about everything with him....from church, to Disney World, to discipline.
We are so thankful for Sandhills Peds!
Three shots later (poor baby!), we all needed a treat.
Bruegger's Bagels, we love you!
Oh, and yes, I'm still not drinking my iced coffee's, while observing the season of Lent. Remember this post? Instead, I choose the French Toast hot coffee. What else is great there? Click here and see. We love it all!
Look at that sweet boo boo bandaid!
Daddy makes everything better.
Speaking of was our ANNIVERSARY yesterday!!! For those of you who don't know, Brad and I got married when we were 30, and celebrated 4 years yesterday! Oh, how I love this man! What did we do last night? Well, since we celebrate all holidays with a budget, this was no different! We went here with a coupon and could not have been happier. We talked about it all day and even looked at the menu online, the night before. For us, it's not about "where", it's about "who", and all we needed that night was the two of us! We can find joy anywhere, when we are together. So, Mrs. Stacey, Addie's beloved PMO teacher last year, and her ADORABLE daughter Savannah, came to keep the girls and off we went!
Sadly, the night was cut short. I ended up at the doctor today, after a rough night last night, with a sinus infection on both sides. Thank you Publix for FREE Amoxicillin!
I'm so thankful Addie is crafty and can sit and paint on days
when I need to rest.
Well, there you have it. Our life over the last 48 hours. What are we doing right now on this wild and crazy Friday night? Eating homemade nacho's on the couch, in pajama pants! Life is so good! I plan on feeling MUCH better tommorrow, to cook some yummy food out of this FABULOUS magazine! Mom gave me a subscription for Christmas. Is it just me, or are magazine subscriptions the BEST gifts in the world? Anyway, on the line-up for the weekend: Buttermilk Biscuits, Rosemary Chicken Kabobs, Grilled Chicken Taco's, Corn on the Cob, Strawberry Shortcake, and Split Pea Hummus with Pita chips for snack....YUMMERS!
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